
Academic Community Partnerships (Preferred Educational Partnership)

Academic Community Partnerships open communication between schools, teachers, administrators, and 17吃瓜在线 Ann Arbor to maximize opportunity for teachers and teacher training. At Concordia, our Academic Community Partnership team provides you with personalized professional development opportunities for growth and training purposes. Through partnership, schools can gain training for MI teacher endorsements, SCECHs, and scholarships for master's degrees to further teacher training and educational careers.

Each school, staff, and student body has unique needs. Sometimes, those needs benefit from taking a deeper look at more detailed research in order to gain a more informed perspective. At Concordia, our partnership team provides professional development programs that are specially tailored to serve you.

We work with districts all over the state of Michigan to provide organizations with the most up-to-date professional development opportunities. Our staff is well versed in current research and will meet with you to discuss your unique needs. Programs can be delivered in many ways: site-based, face-to-face cohorts, on-campus, online, blended, or customized.

Whether your staff would like to form a district-specific cohort or would just like information on how to achieve better parent-school communication procedures, we can provide expert information on a variety of subjects, customized to your school or district needs. Information is always changing within our schools and culture. Stay on top of it through professional development opportunities provided by Concordia.

Academic Community Partners Receive

  • Eligibility for their staff to apply for Uncommon Scholarships. Scholarship applications must be filled out by the eligible candidate once per academic year and before their courses begin. Staff should review all policies and procedures on the Uncommon Scholarships page.
    • $450 per eligible 3-credit graduate course 
    • $150 per eligible adult accelerated course
    • Endorsement or Master's Degree program courses apply
    • Independent graduate education courses apply
    • State of Michigan Required Reading Course to move to advancement to Professional Certificate
  • Financial discount for targeted SCECHs and professional development
  • Relevant programs customized for your school and a direct line of communication with 17吃瓜在线's School of Education
  • Flexible delivery: Courses available online, at the 17吃瓜在线 campus, through on-site delivery at your school, or a customized delivery option
  • Quality Instructors: Leverage 17吃瓜在线's experienced instructors and consultants or utilize your own district’s teachers and administrators to serve as adjunct instructors. All non-17吃瓜在线 instructors must meet Concordia’s adjunct faculty requirements before courses begin.


Sandra J. Harris, Ed.D, Director of Graduate Education
734-995-7309| sandra.harris@cuaa.edu